

Equipping laborers for harvest is our focus!

Lifenet Apostolic Network sends anointed and called influencers into the seven mountains of culture to harvest for the Kingdom of God. We do this by networking ministry leaders, marketplace leaders and other cultural influencers for harvest, regional and worldwide, guided by apostolic authority and prophetic revelation.

We believe that five-fold equipping for harvest is provided through cooperative exchange and relationships of trust, so we help establish relational connections that will strengthen and facilitate cooperative harvest ventures. We also facilitate opportunities to build and deepen relationships among leaders who have a shared passion and vision for harvest and the advancement of the Kingdom of God — providing encouragement, an exchange of ideas, accountability, and strength.

Our strong “harvest thrust” is undergirded by a core belief that Kingdom advancement is rooted in God’s covenant plan for all peoples of the earth, Jew and Gentile, slave and free, male and female, revealing the one new person in Christ. We believe alignment with God’s plan for Israel and the Jewish people is one of the foundation stones we build on, and that we are one race of people — a new creation in Christ; blood-bought sons and daughters of God, partnering with God and one another to advance His Kingdom on the earth.

Lifenet Apostolic Network

Join the Network!

Summary of Benefits:

  • Apostolic Impartation

  • Prophetic Revelation

  • Relationships, Encouragement & Support

  • Leadership Connections

  • Relational Alignment

Contact us if you’re a leader interested in joining the network!
